Dr. Fellow Reverend Charles E. McAnany Ph.D. BS HSD

Dr. Fellow Reverend Charles E. McAnany Ph.D. BS HSD

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Dr. Fellow Reverend Charles E. McAnany, Ph.D., BS, HSD, a chemistry virtuoso, is a man of many talents. He earned his Ph.D. from the prestigious University of Virginia, where he specialized in the thrilling world of molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecular assemblies and intrinsically disordered proteins. (Try saying that five times fast!)

Dr. McAnany now graces the halls of the Stowers Institute for Medical Research, engaging in post-doctoral research. When not unraveling the mysteries of life one molecule at a time, this Jefferson Fellow can be found capturing the world through his lens, or taking inspiration from the hypnotic rhythms of Philip Glass. As an active member of the Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity, Dr. McAnany's social calendar is as jam-packed as his impressive list of academic credentials.

With an unwavering commitment to acronyms and an uncanny ability to make even the most complex scientific jargon sound like a party, this Reverend Fellow (Fellow Reverend?) proves that one can excel in both the realms of chemistry and charisma — or so he claims.